Windows Light 2018 now available
What is Windows Light?
Windows Light is a windows-based software designed and developed as an assistive tool for two major user groups:
l as a screen reader to help the visually impaired use the computer independently, thereby narrowing the digital divide that separates them from the sighted world; and
l as a reading aid to persons facing reading and/or writing difficulties (Notably those with dyslexia) to help them cope with challenges in their studies and daily living.
Different Editions
Windows Light is provided here in two editions, one for the visually impaired and the other for people with reading/writing challenges. The former is operated mainly with the keyboard for systemwide screen access with speech and braille output. The latter is operated mainly with the mouse for the conversion of textual information in text editors (like Microsoft Word) into speech output. For each of these editions, there are two sub-editions, one with Chinese and English speech, and the other for any SAPI5 compliant text-to-speech engines installed on the Windows system.
Free Download
The latest versions of Windows Light (October 2018) are provided for download from this web site absolutely for free. When downloading, make sure that you pick the right edition which meets your specific needs.